Hi guys,
We have the book cover ready. Yay! I am indeed excited. We are slowly getting to the finish line. The launch date is close. I will provide another update soon!
Thank you again for sticking around!
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Other Ways I Can Help You
Whenever you are ready, here’s how I can help you advance your career goals.
Book me for a 45-mins one-on-one chat to discuss your career. Talk to me directly and have your questions answered.
Explore my career services in data analytics. Resume Upgrade, Cover Letter Review, Personal Branding and LinkedIn Profile Optimisation, Interviewing Hacks and Job Search Strategy.
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Check out my career and data analytics books, guides and templates.
Get a copy of my new book “Before Graduation Day” It’s the best career guide for students. Get a copy for yourself or someone you care about.
The Tools I Use:
WordPress hosting to develop my website
Notion to organise my workspace
Video Animation Software for my YouTube channel
Vellum software to format my books for publishing
KDP Rocket to make my books stand out and sell on Amazon.
Grammarly - To help me write better
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Banji Alo
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